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Golem shaper Battle ( a forum game ) - Page 3
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Thread: Golem shaper Battle ( a forum game )

  1. #21
    Okay JYAP yes exiting = healing but when u enter and exti same turn u cannot reenter.
    lol duh
    but anyway k
    Goblin first fight
    JYap takes
    8 damage
    2nd monster= skeleton
    Jyap blocks entire time
    HP: 6
    + 4 gold
    +2 exp
    4/10 EXP
    jyap gets
    lvl 2!
    Amulet of Healing
    Every turn you use a magical or defensive abilty you regen 2 HP
    sell Price : 55 Gold
    so u continue onward
    and kill everything because of that amulet ( assuming you equip it and not sell it )
    +20 MORE gold
    + 8 EXP
    12/10 LVL Up
    +10 hp + 2 MP
    2 Stat points
    Oh yea ur current HP is full. so its currently 22/22

  2. #22
    Trog Ventures into LVL 2! + 5 EXP for being first to this LVL!!!!!!
    Trog: 5/20 EXP
    Trog fights his first lvl 2 monster!
    Monster: Skeleton!
    Skeleton Shatters!
    Trog stats
    STR: 3
    STP: 2
    INT: 2
    lvl 2
    EXP: 7/20
    Gold 141
    HP: 36/36
    MP: 15
    Trog Fights nxt Monster!
    Trog Bashes entire time!

    Trog HP: 20/36
    Bandit dead
    + 5 gold + 2 EXP
    Trog finds Lvl 2 Treasure!!
    random lvl:3!
    Chain Mail! Trog blocks 2 damage from Physical Attacks ( STR stat attacks )
    sell value: 75 Gold
    Trog fights anotehr monster!
    Trog HP: 20/36
    +5 gold + 2 EXP
    and clears the floor!
    +12 gold + 6 EXP for skeles
    + 20 gold and + 2 EXP for bandit Master
    + 5 gold + 2 EXP for Bandit
    42 gold + 12 EXP
    Trog gold/exp
    Gold: 183
    EXP: 19/20
    DO you want to go down to lvl 3 if so u have to wait for ur nxt turn

    Also Im taking my turn Since it is...My turn
    Bam i burst into the 2ND Floor
    Fight skele
    + 3 gold + 2 exp
    Fight: Skele
    + 3 gold + 2 EXP
    treasure:4d10 Gold!: 36 Gold! 10 9 10 7
    Fight again!
    + 3 gold + 2 EXP
    Fight again!
    HP: 36/52
    +5 gold + 2 EXP
    Fight again!
    HP: 20
    + 5 gold + 2 EXP
    HP: 4
    + 5 gold + 2 EXP
    i high tail it out of there
    Total gain:
    60 gOLD
    12 exp
    exp: 14/20

    JYAP ur turn go down past lvl 1 or go back up

  3. #23

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Can I use a turn to stand and heal or do I need to leave the dungeon to do that?

  4. #24
    You have to leave to heal also if you die you lose all your treasure/gold die in the dungeon

  5. #25
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    With my new amulet I'll just go down even more. If I get into anything tough I run.

    And put the two points in INT.

  6. #26
    K. JYAP goes to LVL 2
    And kills everything
    +50 gold + 18 EXP
    20/20 EXP LVL UP
    2 more stats
    Treasure: 4d10 Gold : 12 gold (bad luck) 2 4 5 1
    JYAP stats:
    STR: 1
    STP: 1
    INT: 4
    HP: 13/32
    MP: 30
    Gold: 102
    K so thats his NXT turn
    Trog ur turn again ^^

  7. #27
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    Calamity: (is looking at things from a first person view HUD,like the stuff you see in FPS) There's sirens going off that sound like a Pokemon at low HP.

    That's because you ARE at low HP you nitwit! Retreat now!

    Calamity: Alright alright. Cool it...

    (Calamity is getting the hell outta there. Since the last floor has been utterly annihilated,I should be able to escape without incident. This takes place after Trog's action of course.)

  8. #28

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Go out of dungeon....oh and do that thing where you make yourself stronger by spending gold, and heal too! How many turns did all that take?

  9. #29
    Well if you mean STR training ( the thing that makes you stronger )
    then -50$ and - 1 INT but + 1 STR
    and its all one turn heal in as soon as you leave dungeon.
    Trogs stats
    STR: 4
    INT: 1
    LVL 2
    gold 138
    EXP: 19/20
    + 1 tower size!
    Tower Size: 1

    Time for my turn ^^

    I Make my golem Train his Powers ^^ - 100 gold
    83 Gold
    Stat: rando
    Lvl: 0 or 1 depending on stat
    Stat: STP
    LVL: 1
    100% chance 25+75=100 ( 100% chance when you random stat )
    Learned Bulk: Absorbs 5X your STP in damage Wears off when Bulk is Broken MP cost: 5
    Skills: Bash Block Bulk

    JYAP ur turn

  10. #30

    Almuric's Avatar
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    How do I learn a skill? I see you have Bash, Block, Bulk.

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