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Golem shaper Battle ( a forum game ) - Page 2
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Thread: Golem shaper Battle ( a forum game )

  1. #11
    Yes sir ^^

    *goes to random numbers site*

    INT + 1 STP + 1 + 15 Gold
    Total Cost -5 gold
    Trog stats
    STR 1
    STP 2
    INT 2
    Gold 95
    HP: 22
    MP: 10

  2. #12
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    After Al's twin turns I send Aleph into the dungeon even though his scrawny ass is gonna get pwned.

    Aleph: THEN WHY DO YOU DO IT?!?

    Cause I flippin CAN.

  3. #13
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    Oh,sorry for double post,but I'll be away for 2 hours.

    Aleph's Mentality(what he does when I'm away)

    Find treasure. Fight whatever is in the way. If HP<50%,run!

  4. #14
    Okay so time to Randomize the MOnsters Your going to be fighting 2 to get the treasure.

    First Monster: Goblin!
    Goblin : 5 HP
    JYAP: 12 HP
    Attack attack attack blha blah blah
    JYAP: HP 2
    Goblin HP: 0
    Reward + 1 gold !
    You willl die if you fight anything else so im gonna just make you run yay you keep that 1 gold ^^

    Trog you turn
    Last edited by Halfwingseen; 08-21-2006 at 05:00 PM.

  5. #15

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Enter dungeon!

  6. #16
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    Where's my exp? Don't I get exp? What a gyp. I head back in there after Aleph heals.

    Aleph: Aleph's a sucky name for a golem.

    Hmph. Always complaining. Fine. How bout...Calamity?

    Calamity: Kickass.

  7. #17

    Almuric's Avatar
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    OH YEAH! I didnt name my golem!

    Golem's name is: Rocky

  8. #18
    okay ^^ well let me do the dungeon for you im assuming you want me to fight in the best possible way for your golem ^^ which is blocking every attack unless its a skele mage then just pure attacking.

    and trog Im assuimg you want to get to the treasure FIRST then decide what to do after you see the treasure so ill go up to there for you

    First MOnster....Skeleton!
    Trog Orders Rocky to stand firm and block constantly
    Rocky Blocks for the duration of the fight
    Skeleton: HP 0
    Rocky: HP 22
    + 3 gold
    Nxt monster ( right b4 treasure )
    Rocky blocks entire time
    Goblin HP 0
    Rocky HP 22
    +1 Gold
    Found Treasure!!
    Treasure: 4d6 Gold! total Gold Amount: 17 ( rolls: 2 6 5 4)
    Total Gold Found so far 20
    Your right JYAP EXP ALL AROUND
    Exp rates will b 1 exp per monster per lvl of dungeon
    ( 1 per at lvl 1 2 per at lvl 2 ect )
    +2 exp for JYAP 2/10
    +2 Exp for Wing 3/10
    + 2 Exp for Trog 2/10
    Trog your at full hp
    do you want to fight the remaining 7 Monsters or just the 2 more u need to get to the stairs
    You get to pick
    Monsters Left: 4XGoblin 2Xskeleton 1Xskeleton mage

    While we wait for Trog ill take my Turn Because i do not have to wait for you guys for it..

    I sell my Artifact + 50 Gold
    Total Gold: 104G
    First Monster: Skele mage T_T X_X
    Skele mage: 10 HP 10 MP
    Wing's HP: 22
    Wing blocks until skele mage runs out of mana
    Wing's HP 19
    Skele mage HP 9.5
    Skele mage and all mage monsters when they run out of mana they spend 2 turns regaining all the mana
    - 2 HP to skele ( my bashing )
    +10 MP to skele
    Skele mage :7.5 HP
    continues ECT
    Wing: HP 14
    I want to keep going
    + 10 gold + 1 EXP
    Fight again Monster: Goblin
    Block until end
    WING HP :14
    + 1 gold + 1 exp
    I get treasure
    4d6 Gold: 10 T_T 4 3 2 1 rolls
    Total gold + 21
    Total EXP: + 2
    I fight the rest of the monsters because i can win without taking damage
    GoblinX4 + 4 gold + 4 EXP
    Skeleton X3 + 9 gold + 3 EXP
    +34 Gold
    + 9 exp 12/10 LVL UP
    + 2 to STP
    Wing HP: 44/52
    Wing MP: 10
    STR: 1
    STP: 4
    INT: 1
    EXP: 2/20
    I wait in the Dungeon

    Trog now that i think of it
    +24 Gold for you and +8 EXP because u basically could do everything i could do
    Trog: 10/10 LVL UP
    2 free stats + 10 HP and + 5 MP
    Trog: 0/20 EXP
    Pick your stats and whether or you you gonna wait in dunegon to go to lvl 2 or comign back up
    Gold: 136

  9. #19

    Almuric's Avatar
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    2 stren and going to level 2!

    go Rocky go!

  10. #20
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    So exiting dungeon=/=healing? Well ****. How do I heal?

    If I did heal,then I raid the dungeon again. I'm still searching for treasures first,and if some goon's in the way,let's rumble.

    Calamity's Stats:
    STR: 1
    INT: 2
    STP: 1
    HP: 12
    MP: 10

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