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Number of teams
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Thread: Number of teams

  1. #1

    Number of teams

    Until more ppl start playing on server it might be better to reduce the number of teams, so they have more than one person in each, as if there r 5 ppl on one team has a huge advantage, which might discourage new ppl from staying. . .


  2. #2

    Almuric's Avatar
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    This has been suggested by someone else as well. We're looking into the possibility, but it require alot of changes to some scripts. There are alot of updates being done right now so I have to get those finished first.

  3. #3
    couldnt the mephits for the team in question be removed, and if this is done after wipe noone would be able to join those teams anyway. . . then it would be relatively easy to put the other teams back in when numbers have grown?


  4. #4

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Well, in a day or two we will be having a Level 20 "party". As in to make sure all the high level spell scripts are tested the mod will be set to level all new players to 20 instead of 10 for a couple of days. That will give us a chance to see all the scripts running AND attract attention from some players who love gaming high level characters. After this phase is over we will have a character wipe and end beta.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    please please please not tomorrow...its districts XC so i wouldn't be there

    i vote start it on friday or saturday...maybe noon(EDT) on saturday
    To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    please please please...friday night .

  7. #7
    try and do all the mage characters. Bard, Druid, Cleric, Sorceror and Wizard.

    well, maybe not bard cause their spells are from the sorcs...

    but you MUST test DRUID!

  8. #8
    The forums are quite when you see Rune posting in the suggestion forum. He he he. Come on guys, he is bored. No posts today for him to read.

  9. #9

    Genocide's Avatar
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    We got some players today but were strictly cuz Gods was full. I'm beginning to think 4 teams is too much now. I played for 3 hrs today and was the only one on my team for the whole time I was on. Earth ended up being stacked...Dunno why people stack up on Earth or Fire. Air or Water usually has hardly any people.

    Kinda pisses me off cuz I worked too hard on this mod for no one to play on it on aWEEKEND!

  10. #10
    Don't worry Geno, once it gets out there and people know of it more they will come.

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