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*tweet* Hello!
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Thread: *tweet* Hello!

  1. #1
    Knight Protoss119's Avatar
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    *tweet* Hello!

    Hello all!!!!!

    EDIT: This is Songbird's post, not mine.

    Last edited by Protoss119; 02-18-2006 at 09:54 AM.

  2. #2


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    Network security is like the Y2k bug, except without the time limit
    And from a book on network security no less, shocking.

  3. #3
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    Hiya Song Bird! Couldn't register?

    Oh,Dredoc,Song wants to help with our PvP idea. We should start with it.

  4. #4
    Knight Protoss119's Avatar
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    Way ahead of you. I've already completed the game plan - a list or tutorial of some sort that will tell people everything about the module so they have a good idea of what they can help with. If you need me to post it, I will.

    Song Bird, welcome to the Elemental Battlegrounds forum! Make yourself at home.

  5. #5
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    Well do it!

  6. #6
    Knight Protoss119's Avatar
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    Right then.

    Fortz Base PVP
    By JYAP and Protoss119
    Welcome to Fortz! In this game, you and up to 8 other players control a base on sides of a 32x32 map. Your objective? Gain the most gold by the end of the round! This objective is made easy because - this is the best part - YOU control your entire base!

    Choosing Spawns
    Spawns are the basic foot soldiers of your forces. They represent your military power. At the beginning of the game, you can choose a set of spawns to form your army. Each set includes different spawning speeds, creatures, etc. The following sets of spawns exist:
    -Draconics - Some of the strongest of fighters but very low AC and slow spawn speed.
    -Fiends - Not as strong as Draconics but a little bit faster spawn speed.
    -Shadows - Physically weak, but good sneak classes. Medium spawn speed.
    -Mephits - Extremely weak, but have fast spawn speed.
    -Tieflings - All around.
    -Undead - Godly Constitution, but slow movement speed. Medium spawn speed.

    At the base
    Your base includes artillery cannons, spawns awaiting orders, and your vault in which you keep gold in. First, talk to your spawns and tell them what to do, including attacking, defending, roaming, etc, and they will comply as they spawn.

    Certain Turrets can be placed around your base for protection. You can man them and fire them at enemies, provided you succeed at a Lore check for most turrets. These are some of the turrets in the game:

    Tranquilizer:Succeed at a Lore check of DC 14. Enemy hit by tranqulizer falls asleep for 2 rounds.
    Missile Turret:Magic Missile is launched at enemy. Does 1d4+1 damage.
    Flamethrower:Succeed at a Lore check of DC 14. Fires Burning Hands spell.
    Darkness Turret:Fires a field of Darkness at a location for 2 rounds.
    Blinder:Succeed at a Lore check of DC 14. Blinds an enemy for 2 rounds.
    Strength Killer:Succeed at a Lore check of DC 14. Decreases enemy Str by 2 for 2 rounds.

    On the Battlefield
    Killing an enemy spawn gives you 25 GP, whereas killing a player gives you 50 GP. Attack an enemy vault and the PC owning that vault loses half of their GP, where you gain twice as much as he/she lost. There is no XP gain in this module other than purchasing levels or XP packets to gain XP.

    You can hire people to do your bidding for you, be it aiming an turret (this makes it lose some rate of fire), steal from someone, etc.
    Aside from the usual battle here and there, both normal and supernatural events occur in the game.
    Bandits:A gang of L1 Rogues attack you and for each time they hit you, you lose some GP.
    Divine Intervention:Generates random spells throughout the area.
    Killing Spree:A random mercenary appears and starts killing people. Upon defeating him, you get half the amount of gold needed to hire him.
    Apocalypse:ALL of the mercenaries appear and attack bases.
    High Noon:A bunch of bandits with heavy crossbows and L33T AB start attacking.
    Fascination Field:A random space on the map becomes host to a Fascination Field. Any PC entering the Fascination Field must make a Will Save or be dominated. A dominated PC just stands there doing nothing.
    Favored by the Gods:Each Round, all PCs of a specific alignment take 3d8 points of damage until all alignments have been covered.

    Also note that there are items in the game that can come of advantage to you. Enjoy playing Fortz!

    Well, that seems to cover everything. I'm thinking about adding time bombs - thingies with Unique Powers that, when used, creates a placeable equivalent to the item. After 2 turns (2 minutes), the placeable casts an AOE spell, ranging from Firestorm to Earthquake to Storm of Vengeance, etc. and dissapears. They cost a lot, though. For example:

    Acid Fog Bomb:After 2 turns, it casts Acid Fog on itself.

  7. #7
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    Let me suggest some more stuff.


    Animals:Incredibly fast,but weak attack. Between medium and fast spawn rate.
    Familiars:Best casters,but crappy fighters. Between slow and medium spawn rate.


    Artillery:Lore Check DC 16. Deals 20 damage to a random turret.
    Quillfire:Animals only. Fires 1d4 quills per use at a target. Eventually has to reload after 20 shots.
    Nightfall:Shadows only. Lore Check DC 16. Covers entire battlefield in a darkness spell for 2 rounds.
    Seeker:Familiars only. Lore Check DC 16. Fires a slow moving elemental arrow towards the closest player. Arrow deals 2d6 elemental damage.
    Plague:Undead only. Plagues targets in a cone ahead of turrets for -2 to Con and Str.
    Airstrike:Lore Check DC 18. Middle is hit by several meteors for 2d8 per meteor.
    Support:Mephit only. 1d2 bolt,generates 3 bolts for multiple targets.
    Hellbringer:Fiend only. Lore Check DC 24,calls hell on the enemy turrets for a whopping 50 damage each. Destroyed after use.
    Barrier:Generates a wall of energy that repels enemies trying to move past. Barrier lasts for 5 rounds,and is destroyed if turret is destroyed.

    All turrets get 150 HP and 25% vulnerability to all physical.

    I suggest a nerf to the vault. Gold stolen=Damage x 2.


    Goblin Turret Crew:Mans your turrets,but kills your RoF. Not too costly.
    Goblin Kamakazi Crew:Goblins with dynamite on them. If they hit a turret,20 damage to the turret+goblin dies. Bout 2-2.5x more than Turret Crew.
    Goblin Sabotage:Throws a monkey wrench in enemy turrets,ceasing fire for 3 rounds. MUCH more costly.
    Rain Mirnimane:Can you say,wipeout? A little less than buying a direct level-up.
    Song Bird with a microphone and speaker:Sings for your army,giving +2 to all attributes,AC,AB,and damage. About half as much as Rain.
    Dredoc Anthorngleas:SNIPERFEST YO! Dredoc will stay in your base and pick off random players for 1 turn. About as much as Song Bird.
    Vesin o cara mais foda:One hell of a wail slays all spawns on the field regardless of team. A little less than Song.
    Barrey Klenner:Jingle bells,Bigby smells...Barrey casts Bigby's Forceful Hand on all PCs. 1.5x more than Song.
    Thox:Randomly roams around the middle,FoDing/PKing whatever enemy he sees. A little more than Barrey.
    Almuric:Turns your base invulnerable. As much as Thox.
    Non-Special variant:When hiring one of the above,you can neglect their special skill and use them as a regular mercenary.

    Got nothing.


    The Acid Fog Bomb sounds easy. Unique Power Self Only Single Use. It creates a Acid Fog Bomb structure on the ground that explodes and uses the spell after the time is up.

    Turret Masher(Club):1d6 Bludgeon,-5 AB
    Magi Mallet(Magic Staff):1d6 Bludgeon,+2 AB
    Battlemage Armor(Robe):+1 AC,Slashing/Piercing DR 5/-
    Slavedriver(Whip,Undead team only)On Hit:Inflict Serious Wounds

    Special Items:

    EARTH!:Does nothing...
    FIRE!:Does nothing...
    HEART!:If you used the last 4 in order,Captain Planet is summoned. His mere presence pwninates all players.
    C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!:Stops Captain Planet from being summoned if used in the middle of the chain.
    Record of Barney's song:Plant in enemy's base and watch it rot. 5 damage per round to everything,including turrets. Lasts until wrecked. 20 HP.
    XP Packet(100):Buy this to get 100 exp.
    XP Packet(500):Buy this to get 500 exp.
    XP Packet(1000):Above. Now.
    XP Packet(2000):Do I have to?
    Level Up:Grants you 1 level regardless of exp.
    Giant Unabridged Dictionary/Atlas/Thesaurus:Has 500 weight. When used,gives it to the closest player. After 2 turns of being used,it disappears.
    Redo Level:If you messed up,this takes away 5 exp and gives it back,releveling you.
    Banner:If you're holding this,all gold recieved is doubled. Goes kapoof after 3 turns of being equipped.
    Regenerator:When bought,is placed in base. All spawns get Regeneration +1 until the Regenerator is destroyed. It has 150 HP and 100% vulnerability to all physical.
    Dark Summoner:When bought,is placed in base. After 20 turn,it creates the strongest unit in the game for you. The Summoner has 100 HP and 100% vulnerability to everything.

    Text Block'd/10.

  8. #8
    You forget my secret weapon merc...

    my str dex orc ive been wokring on

    Flash: moves very very slow but alwyas head to enemy vault and imp whirlwinds start of eevery turn every turn ( wit scythe and is wep master rouge.. meaning sneaks and crits apply to his attacks ) ( lvl 30 ) about 2X as much as thox.
    Events :
    Full Moon: turns a random merc into were wolves for 3 turns causing it to attack everyone
    merc: Bard: sings a lvl 40 bard song 200 perform bard song once then is paralzyed til death 50 hp

  9. #9
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    The Bard one undermines Song Bird. All for Flash though,and Full Moon. Lycanthorpe Rain yo!

  10. #10
    The bard one was meant to affect only ur charactor not anyone else... just so ya know and maybe
    Mad wizard: Stands in the middle casting full PVP bombardment and meteor shower until death 50 hp

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