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The worst encounter with a noob you've had in Eternal War - Page 3
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Thread: The worst encounter with a noob you've had in Eternal War

  1. #21
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    Well,DD hasn't been around. Now we have to contend with Grom Hellscream,a complete cursing hypocrite who says the DM sucks balls. He's a ANNOYING AS HELL 15 half-orc scythe build. Complete moron.

    However,because of him,I discovered DR gear on Rain>AC gear on Rain.

  2. #22
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    Ahhh! The gangers! They're overwhelming!

    No,really,it seems now every noob needs to gang people. So tiring.

  3. #23
    Knight Protoss119's Avatar
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    Indeed...why go out of your way to get better AC when you can just negate the damage with DR? Of course, it depends on the quality of the DR...you wouldn't want +1 Soak 5 Damage when you're L20.

    Also, I haven't been ganged as much as I used to, but you're right, it seems as if a fair fight is a sin to them.

  4. #24
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    Even more annoying are the highbies lurking about for something like this to happen so they can disrupt justice. -_-;;;

  5. #25


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    Complain complain complain.

    It's not a 1v1 pvp arena, it's team pvp.

    That means they have every right to gang you, just as you have every right to gang them.

    You know, generally, I've found with people who complain about cs'ers, the majority of them, most of them only start complaining after their own cs'ers get their asses kicked, so they think it's unfair that their cs'ers die easily, while this other guy's (a complete n00b of course) does really well.

    I have only every been called a noob after I had been playing long enough to know how to play well, and by people who were not that good who had been playing less than me...well, one exception.
    Network security is like the Y2k bug, except without the time limit
    And from a book on network security no less, shocking.

  6. #26
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    Respect for Dweia has dropped 5 points.

    It's not team pvp if 4 scythe fighters attack your lone archer whose teammates are getting their asses kicked by other goons. It's ganging. Team pvp is when a archer,fighter,and cleric take on a monk,a druid,and a barbarian. The sides have to be even or close to even. And actually,Hail kicks insane amounts of ass and he's a sneaker(and spotter).

  7. #27
    Knight Protoss119's Avatar
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    And if we're complaining, we're doing it for good reason...and we wouldn't if no one was ganging/CSing.

  8. #28
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    There's alot of classes without Spot as a class skill. Listen is useless without its companion skill,so CSers ARE a big deal. Plus with idiots like DD on the loose,Eternal is starting to fall apart.

    This is why I want to be a DM. Noob population would drop by 1000%. No,more is not merrier. Quite the contrary really. I prefer it when the population in Eternal is currently 8-10 people. Less ganging.

  9. #29


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    Either listen or spot lets you see sneakers, you don't need to beat their checks on both.

    Listen: every personal initiative combat round, 30' radius including, fairly sure, just around corners and through 'thin' walls. listen+d20+modifiers vs ms+modifiers. Holding still provides +5 listen, moving provides -5 ms. I think a check is also made when entering detect mode. Also, when a creature is heard you are still flankable by them, but not completely flat-footed. The difference between standing there when a sneak attacks you, and being in the middle of attacking someone else. Class skill for most classes.

    Spot: Check made when person enters a...30'?, some radius, around self, every personal initiative round, and whenever they enter your los e.g. from around a corner. Cannot see creatures outside of direct los, so even small differences in altitude can be enough to hide in due to the way los is implemented. Class skill for fewer classes
    Spot+d20+modifiers vs Hide+modifiers. Light provides a penalty to hide, dunno how it's calculated, you get a bonus to spot when facing the sneaker.

    Some guy did a great big test of all these things, posted up what he found on the BW forums a while back. Also, there's a bunch more things that affect hide/spot/ms/listen, possibly, though I'm really not sure, armour.

    Either listen or spot can be used, each has pros or cons, only one is needed to see them.

    Also, just out of curiosity, how many of you have played a cs'er? And how many of you are good at cs'ing?

    You know what this reminds me of? The AR forums when it was in its downward spiral, everyone complaining about everything, especially cs'ing, running and ganging. And all of it pretty much was people complaining about what they couldn't kill, rather than doing anything about it.
    So then people complained, anytime complaining got something changed, people figured that they should complain about their next pet peeve, and try to get their favourite classes upped, etc, etc, until Jano got fed up and killed the mod.

    Anyway, 4 scythe fighters are ganging you? Get a sneak, I'm willing to bet they don't have that good spot/listen. Pick them off one by one. Get a mage, nothing like some hold person, or reflex save damage spells on their low fort, low reflex fighters.

    And of course, 4 anything against 1 anything, if the 1 beats them, then something is wrong. If you and some teammates are having fun beating up on some other guy would you stand back and get two teammates to stand back and just stand there doing nothing, possibly watching your teammate die, giving points to the other team, and decreasing your xp.

    Also, 8 people in a server. 3 will be afk, 1 will be a highbie with noone his level. 1-2 will be lowbies who can't do anything. 1 will be a complainer of some description, 1 will be someone who wants to play for a bit, but isn't that good so get fed up and leaves if they lose too much, 0-.98 is randomly chosen from the above list. .01 will be a player like you're looking for, who wantes 1v1 fights, will stand back from any other fights people are involved in, and will probably get yelled at a whole lot by his team, and .01 will be a dm, possibly dropping the noob population from x down to -9x.
    Network security is like the Y2k bug, except without the time limit
    And from a book on network security no less, shocking.

  10. #30
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    Dredoc,he's crossing over to the dark side!

    I'll concede listen/spot. I never knew that.

    I played a CSer. I have two actually. And I'm quite good at it.

    Erm,4 scythe fighters are going to find a way to spam KD on your sneak. And 4 is too many for a mage to fry. He holds 1,3 charge at him. He holds 2,he's on the ground getting raped. And the 1 needs to be the best PM build of all time to live,regardless of opposition level. Even a level 7 crit hits for 60+ damage.

    As for the AFK point...you win. Bloody bastards. The highbie can always switch if he's bored,the lowbies are cannon fodder for your lowbies,the leaver needs to be shot in the head,and I take offense at the complainer remark.

    Anyhow,DD=DEFEATED. Now we have Syrius the deathlogger. Suggestions?

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