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Subrace Descriptions
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Thread: Subrace Descriptions

  1. #1

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Subrace Descriptions

    Dwarven Subraces

    MOUNTAIN DWARF - dwarf-mountain

    Mountain dwarves live deeper under the mountains than hill dwarves but generally not as far underground as their wicked Duergar cousins. Taller than their hill dwarven bretheren, they also have lighter skin and hair, but the same general appearance. They claim they were the first dwarf race and that all other dwarves are descended from them, an attitude that contributes to their isolationism.

    Racial Traits as Hill Dwarf modified as follows:
    - Ability Adjustments: +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity.

    Elven Subraces

    GRAY ELF - elf-gray

    Gray elves are the most noble and regal of all elves. Taller and grander in physical appearance than others of their race, gray elves have a reputation for being aloof and arrogant (even by elven standards). They certainly are more reclusive than high elves, living in isolated mountain citadels and allowing entry only to a select few outsiders. They have either silver hair and amber eyes or pale golden hair and violet eyes. They prefer clothing of white, silver, yellow, or gold, with cloaks of deep purple or purple.

    Racial Traits as High Elf modified as follows:
    Ability Adjustments: +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength.

    SYLVAN ELF - elf-sylvan

    Sylvan elves (wood elves) are very reclusive and generally avoid all contact. Wood elves are more neutral then the other elves. Their complexions are fair, their hair is yellow to coppery red abd their eyes are light brown, light green or hazel.

    Racial Traits as High Elf modified as follows:
    Ability Adjustments: +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, -2 Intelligence.
    - Favored Class: Ranger

    WILD ELF - elf-wild

    Wild elves shun outsiders even more fervently than other elves, and are xenophobic even with regard to other elven races. They are similar in appearance to wood elves, but are smaller, thinner, and very fair.

    Racial Traits as High Elf modified as follows:
    Ability Adjustments: +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence.
    - Favored Class: Ranger


    TALLFELLOW HALFLING - tallfellow

    Tallfellows are somewhat rare among halfling folk. Being taller than their hairfoot cousins, with fair skin and fair hair. Tallfellows greatly enjoy and are most often found in the company of elves.

    Racial Traits as Hairfoot Halfling modified as follows:
    - Keen Senses: +2 racial bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot checks, similar to elves.
    - -2 racial bonus to Move Silently.

    STOUT HALFLING - stout

    Stouts are shorter and stockier than the more common hairfeet. They take great pleasure in gems and fine masonry, often working as jewelers or stonecutters. They rarely mix with humans and elves but enjoy the company of dwarves.

    Racial Traits as Hairfoot Halfling modified as follows:

    - Darkvision: Deep Halflings can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
    - Stonecunning: +2 bonus to Search checks when inside.
    - Silver Palm: +2 on Appraise, Bluff, and Diplomacy.

    Daegard Subraces (Human):

    HRETHGIRAN - hrethgiran

    The Hrethgiran occupy the far northern regions of the continent and are known to be somewhat barbaric. They have long been strongly tied to the natural world, as they were nomadic hunter-gatherers for so long.

    Pure-blooded Hrethgiran have pale skin. Violet and pale blue eyes are common, with grey and deep blue less common. Their straight hair is fair, from several shades of blond to light red. The Hrethgiran have strong, broad faces and sturdy builds. Body painting and extensive tattoos are common even today.

    Racial Traits:
    - Ability Adjustments: +1 Constitution, -1 Intelligence.
    - Quick to Master: 1 extra feat at 1st level.
    - Self Sufficient: +2 racial bonus to Survival and Heal.
    - Skilled: 4 extra skill points at 1st level, plus 1 additional skill point at each following level.
    - Favored Class: Barbarian. A multiclass Hrethgiran's barbarian class does not count when determining whether he takes an XP penalty for multiclassing.

    REMARIAN - remarian

    The Remarian people are a race of nomadic humans living in the Remarian Hills and the plains to the south. They travel by land in wagon trains and rarely associate with other peoples with the exception of trade.

    Because of their wide reputation of being liars and thieves, there is a mutual distrust and antagonism between the Remarians and other peoples. They follow a code of conduct that has different restrictions for dealing with others of their own kind versus outsiders, who may be lied to and cheated. Remarian men can be quite chauvinistic, and their women manipulative.

    Male Remarians usually become warriors and/or rogues; and only women become spellcasters, or Sorcerers. Clerics are unknown among them.

    Remarians have an olive to tan complexion, curly black or brown hair, with grey, blue, hazel and sometimes green eyes. They are short and wiry but strong, men averaging 5'6" and women shorter.

    Racial Traits:
    - Ability Adjustments: +1 Dexterity, -1 Wisdom.
    - Quick to Master: 1 extra feat at 1st level.
    - Skilled: 4 extra skill points at 1st level, plus 1 additional skill point at each following level.
    - Silver Palm: +2 on Appraise, Bluff, and Diplomacy. The Remarians are very cunning when dealing with others.
    - Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass Remarian's rogue class does not count when determining whether he takes an XP penalty for multiclassing. Remarians learn roguish skills as children, practicing them primarily upon non-Remarian outsiders.

    RASAKSHIAN - rasakshian

    The Rasakshi Empire was located in what is now the Rasakshi Desert. Their empire was governed by contesting noble houses, comprised of their families and many retainers. Wicked and decadent, this empire was destroyed in the ancient times by an great war amongst these houses. The modern Rasakshi retain an affinity for family, although they often use a very narrow definition of the word to include only siblings, parents, and children.

    Ancient Rasakshi were exceedingly cruel, which is still a trait that manifests itself in modern day. Fortunately, most Rasakshi have avoided this dark legacy, having only inherited lesser flaws of being opinionated, selfish, and blunt. Many also tend to be prideful and unwilling to admit flaws or personal hardships. They have a passion for study, especially in regard to magic, and many Rasakshi wizards become incredibly powerful.

    Rasakshi typically boast a bronze-colored complexion, varying from a light copper shade to a deep brown hue. Eyes are typically dark brown, black, brown, or amber. Their wavy or curly hair is usually black, brown-black, dark brown, or brown.

    Racial Traits:
    - Ability Adjustments: +1 Intelligence, -1 Charisma.
    - Quick to Master: 1 extra feat at 1st level.
    - Skill Affinities: +2 racial bonus towards Spellcraft.
    - Skilled: 4 extra skill points at 1st level, plus 1 additional skill point at each following level.
    - Favored Class: Wizard. A multiclass Rasakshi's wizard class does not count when determining whether he takes an XP penalty for multiclassing.

    VINNENGAELISH - vinnengaelish

    The Vinnengael Empire covers most of the southern coast. It is a wealthy land of merchants, slaves and thieves. Vinnengael value wealth and status, but mostly as means to an end: a luxurous and idle life. People in Vinnengael are seperated by social class and respecting them is very important. Status alone does not define one’s influence, however, as underground plotting and backstabbing are a large part of the decadent culture. Vinnengaelish consider themselves superior to the “barbarian” humans in neighbouring lands. Family is the most important unit in a Vinnengaelish's life, and loyalty to kin often surpasses loyalty to a deity.

    Many great sorcerors are Vinnengaelish, including experts in elemental magic, divination, and summoning and binding spells (used on extraplanar beings). It is rumored that one such summoning or binding went wrong and brought about the ruin of the city of Bandor.

    Vinnengaelish folk have golden-hued skin and hair that ranges from blue-black to dark brown. Their eyes are often green or gray-green. They tend to be long of limb and facial feature, with high cheekbones.

    Racial Traits:
    - Ability Adjustments: +1 Intelligence, +1 Charisma, -1 Constitution, -1 Wisdom
    - Quick to Master: 1 extra feat at 1st level.
    - Skill Affinities: -2 racial adjustment to Discipline.
    - Skilled: 4 extra skill points at 1st level, plus 1 additional skill point at each following level.
    - Silver Palm: +2 on Appraise, Bluff, and Diplomacy.
    - Favored Class: Sorceror. A multiclass Vinnengaelish's sorceror class does not count when determining whether he takes an XP penalty for multiclassing.
    Last edited by Almuric; 03-27-2009 at 04:05 PM.

  2. #2

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Character Creation with Subraces

    When selecting your subrace, type in the lowercase name in italics listed next to the subrace EXACTLY AS SHOWN.

    Example - MOUNTAIN DWARF - dwarf-mountain

    Type in "dwarf-mountain"

    If you type the name any other way your subrace properties will not be applied to your character.

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