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Halloween Carols.
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Thread: Halloween Carols.

  1. #1
    Knight Protoss119's Avatar
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    Halloween Carols.

    Another thing that travels through the mad confines of my head.

    Warcraft 12 days of Halloween

    On the (x) day of Halloween,
    Kel'Thuzad fried me with...

    (x = number of the day of Halloween it is)

    12 Billion Liches
    11 Giant Crypt Lords
    10 Dozen Raiders
    9 Nathrezim
    8 Thousand Gargoyles
    7 Mouthless Orcs
    6 Sad Blood Mages
    5 Flame Strikes (Bolded for Interim purposes)
    4 Necromancers
    3 Mad Zerglings
    2 Raging Ghouls
    And a fire-breathing uber Banshee!

    All your Jingle Bells are belong to us

    ~starts here~

    In 2101,
    Someone set up us the bomb
    Take off every zig
    Main Screen Turn On - It's you!

    How are you gentlemen!!
    All-your base are-belong to us (dashes used to say them as you would say 1 word)
    You're on the way to destruction, You've
    no chance to survive, Makeyourtime

    All your base, all your base, are belong to us.
    Someone set up us the bomb, Main Screen Turn On It's You!
    All your base, all your base, are belong to us.
    Someone set up us the bomb, Move Zig for great justice.

    (Sing for appropriate number of times)

    Alrighty. So when we were younger (way younger), we've all watched Snow White at least once. We've all heard the Seven Dwarves sing at least once. I thought to corrupt it with AYBABTU, so here ya go. Without further adieu (was that it?)...

    The Dwarven AYB Song

    In 2101!!!!!!!!! War WAS BEGINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (This would be the "Hi-HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" part converted into this)

    What happen! What happen! Some-one
    Set up us the bomb
    We get signal
    Main Screen Turn On
    What happen! What happen!

    It's you! It's you! How
    are you gentlemen!!
    All your base are
    belong to us
    It's you! It's you!

    It's you! You're on
    the way to destruction
    What you say! You
    have no chance to
    survive! Makeyourtime!

    Take off, all zig,
    You know what you doing
    Move Zig Move Zig
    Move Zig Move Zig
    For Great Justice.

    ~record player breaks~

    Right. As you can see, I had to chance some lyrics in it. It may not be EXACTLY the same as the actual Zero Wing intro but you get it.

    ~sees a huge mob of Zealots outside his site protesting how he made these lame pieces of music instead of giving his life for

    Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia
    Neverwinter Nights ("NWN") generally has over 9,000 players online at any one time.

  2. #2
    just so you know ive had a deprived childhood nvr been to disney or seen any of the classic animated disney movies

  3. #3
    Knight Protoss119's Avatar
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    ...damn. That sure presents a problem then, doesn't it?
    Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia
    Neverwinter Nights ("NWN") generally has over 9,000 players online at any one time.

  4. #4
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    12 days of Halloween FTW. So what will be the 12 days of Christmas?

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