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Star Fox Assaulted Cast
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Thread: Star Fox Assaulted Cast

  1. #1
    Knight Protoss119's Avatar
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    Star Fox Assaulted Cast

    As you know (JYAP), I'm working on a set of spoofs called Star Fox: Assaulted, a spoof of Star Fox Assault. Think of it as a Star Fox 6400 Movie, as it will go through the entire story of Star Fox Assault and occasionally morph it. Note that people in Star Fox Assaulted have a different personality than in Star Fox 6400 due to the fact that its on another gaming platform, though some references to other Star Fox games can be seen. Here, my friends, is the cast:

    Fox: The leader of the Star Fox team. He can be found questioning stuff philosophically when he isn't busy blasting aparoids/Andross goonies.

    Falco: The gangsta of the group. He's almost identical to his Star Fox 6400 twin.

    Slippy: The butt of the joke. You'll find him being blown to bits very often to your content (usually).

    Krystal: The...newb. While she isn't much of a pro, she is indeed gorgeous and for some damn reason happens to be in love with Fox...which is odd, seeing as how it's usually the guy that falls for the girl and not the other way around.

    Grimm: Yes, the guy from JYAP's Chao RPG. Is it such a problem that I've decided to move him into Star Fox: Assaulted? Well, anyway, he's like the perfect pilot, blowing up key stuff in just a matter of seconds. This isn't always the case, however.

    General Pepper: The same as his Gamecube counterpart until chapters 5 to end.

    Peppy: The same as his Gamecube counterpart, but hates N64 Peppy.

    ROB64: Just plain random. If you still have some sense left after encountering this guy, you're just plain lucky.

    Wolf: Identical to his Gamecube counterpart.

    Leon: Uses helium on a daily basis. Other than that, identical to his Gamecube counterpart.

    Panther: Corny jokes and stolen phrases define SFA'd Panther and he'll probably be flirting with Krystal more than ever.

    Beltino Toad: Rarely ever mentioned, but under the shell of kindness is a guy who will perpetually flame everyone who dares to ask almost anything.

    Star Fox Adventures General Pepper: Don't ask how he got in here. Only know that he is the very definition of annoyance.

    I think that's everyone. Star Fox Assaulted - coming soon.
    Last edited by Protoss119; 03-15-2006 at 05:03 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia
    Neverwinter Nights ("NWN") generally has over 9,000 players online at any one time.

  2. #2
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    (everyone had Reincarnation)
    (flute notes are fired till Protoss dies)

  3. #3
    Knight Protoss119's Avatar
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    Update'd. Hooray!
    Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia
    Neverwinter Nights ("NWN") generally has over 9,000 players online at any one time.

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