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Thread: Breakout

  1. #1
    I just want to say anyone who beats that score can have the game. I just got tired of playing at some point. I will tell you this I think I had an unfair advantage. I tried a new control. I used my light pen and with its precise movement. I could keep the cursor from getting off of the screen. At some point the game loses and kind of challenge. The balls never get so fast you can't control them and you almost always have multiple balls bouncing. It becomes a game of endurance. So that's my secret and any one who wants to take the game from me. I won't be trying to get it back.

  2. #2

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Sep 2003
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    well at least now I know how the heck you did it.

  3. #3
    aw cumon man thats not cricket, i cant beat that

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