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Thread: *tweet* Hello!

  1. #11
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    Rooter:Flings a Entangle a few feet in front of the turret.
    Autofire:Fires a arrow for 1 damage. Fires by itself.
    Rocket:Lore Check DC 16. Hits closest object for 3d8 fire damage.
    Grenade:Lore Check DC 16. Lobs a firebomb in front of the turret for 2d8 damage.
    Yoshi:Occasionally fires a egg at someone for 2d10 damage. If clicked on,EATS a spawn with lower than 5 HP and restores turret HP by amount of HP left.
    Star:After awhile,it'll place a star in front of the tower. Grab it for DR 30/- to physical for a few rounds.
    Fixit:When used,sacrifices HP from it to make a Repair Kit. Use on a tower to restore HP.
    Bob-omb:Lore Check DC 14. When used,choose a base. A turret there is hit for 10 damage.
    Bullet Bill:Fires a slow-moving missile in front of the turret. Whatever it hits takes 2d6 damage.
    Piranha Plant:Not a turret per se,it snaps at nearby players for 2d6 slashing.
    Summoner:Not exactly a turret,it creates a random spawn from your team.
    Gatling:Lore Check DC 18. Opens fire with a 10-bolt shot at everything near for 1d6 a bolt.
    Plasma Cannon:Lore Check DC 20. Hits a random turret for 30 HP.
    Recorder:Uses a bard song and a curse song to help out in defense.
    Medstation:Can heal you to full health,but takes damage when healing equal to HP given.
    Warpstarorts you near a enemy base for a solo raid.
    Sniper:Lore Check DC 18. Shoots a player for 3d6 damage,regardless of range.
    Napalm:Lore Check DC 16. Throws several Walls of Fire around the turret.
    Blood Boiler:Tiefling only. All spawns get Haste.
    Black Mage:One shot. Black Mage fires a Hadoken,hitting a entire base's turrets for 40 damage.
    Silencer:It's not instant death you idiot. Creates a zone of silence near the base.

  2. #12

    Hero Statue(fighter ):lore 10 deals 1d8 slashing damage to an enemy(melee range) has 100 hp
    Hero statue(archer ): lore 12deald 1d8 piecing dmaage to an enemy has 20 hp
    Hero Statue(Barbarian ): lore 14Deals 1d12 bludgeoning damage to an enemy has 15 hp
    Hero Statue(Wizard) lore 16Casts fireball at an enemy has 10 hp
    Hero Statue (Sorcerer): lore 18 Casts Firebrand at an enemy has 5 hp
    Hero Statue(Master Wizard) (lore check 22 DCCasts Wail of Banchee at an enemy has 1 hp

  3. #13
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    The problem with those is that a turret dealing direct damage will scrap those turrets.

  4. #14
    Knight Protoss119's Avatar
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    OK, these are all good ideas...but where do we begin?

  5. #15
    your right lets do this
    All hero statues ability:
    Sacred: will not be touched by direct damage only desicration ( physically attacking )

  6. #16

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Did you guys find a scripter?

  7. #17
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    Dredoc and Halfwing can both script,and I think Song Bird can work on the map if she wants to help. I can't do diddly squat besides beta test and suggest,so any help is welcome Al.


    Fire/Lightning/Acid/Whatever turret:Lore check DC 20. Draconics only. Fires the breath weapon of the chosen dragon.
    Multiplier:Mephits only. Creates a spawn when used.
    Death:Undead only. Casts Inflict Serious Wounds on the closest target,friend or foe.
    Death2:Undead only. Casts Inflict Critical Wounds instead.
    Bio:Undead only. Fires a blast of poison ahead. Poison deals 1d4 Strength or Dexterity damage.
    Hyper Gatling:Lore Check DC 24. The mother of all multihitters,a whopping 20 bolts for 1d6.
    Charmer:Fiends only. Seduces nearby enemy spawns to fight for you.
    Mimicer:Tieflings only. Costs a HELL lot of cash,but allows the builder to ignore racial requirements.
    Counterfire:If any of the turrets are hit by direct damage,Counterfire shoots the attacking turret for 15 damage.
    Autofire 2.0amage upgrade to 1d2.
    Autofire 3.0:1d4 now.
    Flash:Creates a blinding flash,blinding every enemy. Shadow spawns are instantly destroyed.
    Smiter:Flings a pillar of divine energy for 2d10 damage at a target. Evil creatures take double and undead are killed outright.
    France:Commits suicide after being built.
    Berserker:Tieflings only. Drives all Tieflings berserk,adding Confuse and +10 Strength and Con.

  8. #18
    Mage JYAP's Avatar
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    More stuff! Just because we can revamp EW doesn't mean we should drop this!

    Goblins:All mercs are 1/2 off. Weak otherwise. Medium spawn speed.

    Ogre Group:3 level 4 ogres attack a base.
    Orc Raiders:5 level 2 orcs attack a base.
    Gnoll Ambush:Sets a trap near your base. When triggered,3 level 3 gnolls attack.
    Kobold Swarm:7 level 1 kobolds attack a base.

    Statue of Rain Mirnimane:Hiring Rain is 1/2 the regular price.
    Statue of anyone else named:See above.
    Wild Caller:Animals only. Spawns a pair of wolves when used.
    Blood Controller:Tieflings only. Slows down the bleeding of tieflings,making them immune to wounding(if possible)and increases their Con by 4.
    Virus:Sends a virus to a random turret. The turret is either destroyed outright,takes 75 damage,or fires on its allies. Takes a long time to reload.
    Mega Fixit:Restores all ally turret HP equal to twice the HP of the turret spent.
    Holy Beacon Aoes nothing.
    Holy Beacon B:Nope.
    Holy Beacon C:Nada.
    Holy Beacon D:Nil.
    Holy Beacon E:If all of the above and this are built,all spawns and you get +4 to every attribute,AB,AC,and damage. If any of the beacons(which have 75 HP)are destroyed,the effect wears off.
    Time Bomb:When built,starts a 20-turn timer. At the end of the timer,every turret takes 100 damage.
    Thunderstrike:Familiars only. Lore Check DC 18. Fires a electric bolt through a enemy for 4d6 damage,then bounces onto another for 3d6 damage,then onto another for 2d6,then again for 1d6.
    Blue Dragon Statue:Your spawns get 1d6 electric damage.
    Red/Black/White Dragon Statue:See above with matching element.
    Ancient Blue/Red/Black/White Dragon Statueragons only. 1d10 instead.

    I'm the only one suggesting...

  9. #19
    Knight Protoss119's Avatar
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    We should actually put this ahead of revamping Eternal War...besides, I'm happy with EW - Annihilation the way it is at the moment.

    Events (my fave):

    LAGBALL - Drops a hellball somewhere on the battlefield but not on a base - use Waypoints to denote where the hellball will strike.

    Plague and Pestilience - A specific area on the map is covered with disease. Anyone who enters this area suffers a disease visual effect and loses 5 HP everyone 1 round and 1 point in Constitution every 5 rounds. The diseased field lasts for 3 turns and then disappears. The peeps affected by the plague and pestilience effect do not regain any lost Constitution points/HP unless healed/restored/etc.

    The End of the World As We Know It - The rarest of the rarest of the rare events. Meteor Swarms dot the area as well as Incediary Clouds.

  10. #20
    *even rareer than rare of the end of the wolrd as we know it*
    And i feel fine: greater spell mantle on every player and merc

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