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And I´m wasted again...
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Thread: And I´m wasted again...

  1. #1

    And I´m wasted again...

    What better place to post this infor then Runes Pub. He he he!!!
    18 days I didnt even taste the beer. And in 4 days I drunk so much that I catch up to those 18 days. ROFL!!!
    It was fun while it lasted but I can´t be sober.
    So tonight it is thursday and I´m wasted again. Th8ink just what friday and saturday will bring.
    It is just to admit. I´m an alcoholic failure and I´m proud about that.
    So rock on and see ya all verry soon.
    Sorry if this is spam but nothing else to post in a pub.

  2. #2
    Drunk spammers are always welcomed to my pub!

    hey, why dont ya save me some drinks eh?

    hm, I have had experience like that. Normally my head hurts if I dont drink in a week... weird eh?

    ah, im glad youre drinking. We need more drunks in the world!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Mid of the Mid-West
    Rep Power

    o damn that was some funny shit for some reason

    good to see the real world is treatin ya nice bounty

  4. #4

    Almuric's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rep Power
    Well good to see you Bounty, sober or drunk!!

    Have another!!

    and I'll have a drink myself!

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