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Sammer :P
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Thread: Sammer :P

  1. #1

    Sammer :P

    Sammer you noob... you just decide to leave me out of former The Seven members like Rune did

    I was The Seven member... I still have avatar to prove it... only non-primary Seven one... but yeah... if you want help with clerics I could help out... contact me if you need... if not, homework time!

  2. #2
    WHOOPS! Sorry Narf, I never saw you at one of the Seven practices . *hits his head* STupid sammer... Well. If your willing to help train we'll see what we can do. Hard with all the non WN people and the WN boards . I'm not near ready for the thing to start though... Gotta finish about 50 more weapons... Then I'll be ready... Wont take THAT long though so dont worry people. Now I just gotta find some people to host my server... I think Beowulf or Almuric will... Not many people play Legion right? *grins*
    Embrace the darkness....

  3. #3
    Or you could just have Al send you WNxArena or something... that mod had pwnage items and everything ready

    And I did show up to the first 4 meetings... then I showed up to one and Geno and Al had no power, I showed up to one and only Madd was there, and then I stopped receiving pass to the server in PMs... so I just stopped going

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Mid of the Mid-West
    Rep Power
    lol, the pass never changed from when i started

    and narf r way more gosu in clerics then i r, so let him take me spot
    To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift
    -Steve Prefontaine

  5. #5
    Halls of Training Deluxe is almost identical mod as WNxArena and you can download it from NWN Vautl if you want to use it.
    That is where I test all my builds.

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