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Ideas! Joy!
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Thread: Ideas! Joy!

  1. #1

    Ideas! Joy!

    Hey, This is Drakefiend from the server. I've played a few times and have an idea or two and a few comments i think.

    1) I'd like to see cheaper traps and whatnot, but i know thats sometime away, given the plot thing with traps

    2) Maybe no resting while in the arena...just to give the warriors a better chance at those mages that blast them to hell while they're still running up, also it could help with the next idea...

    3) Bonuses for being the team with the most kills at the end of the time limit. It doesn't have to be much..Maybe an extra 200 xp and 200 gold or something. If the wizards/sorcerers can't rest in the arena, they'd have to rely on their team-mates more and ration out their spells instead of machine blasting everyone with Fireball/Phantasmal Killer/Hammer of Light and everything else, then resting so they can do it all over again.

    Umm..I guess i forgot what else I wanted to say..If i think up anything else stupid, i'll see if i can't post it somewhere around here.

  2. #2

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Re: Ideas! Joy!

    1) I'd like to see cheaper traps and whatnot

    You're right, we know its a problem and we're looking for a solution.

    2) Maybe no resting while in the arena...

    The problem with resting in the arena will be solved by one thing: more players. The arenas are for the most part fairly small. Fill the server up and there will be no where to rest.

    3) Bonuses for being the team with the most kills at the end of the time limit.

    This is in the works for version 2.0 of EB

  3. #3

    Ideas! Joy!

    Thanks for responding Al =P I finally managed to remember what else i was thinking of, i know there's barely any chance for it, but i think there could be some weak defensive wands for sale in the shops. Nothing like premonition Greater Stoneskin or even Stoneskin.
    Things like:
    A wand of protection from alignment. Casts PFA 1x per day and costs what..2000 gp from a shop or even more.
    Wand of Ghostly Visage that casts GV 1x per day and costs 4500gp...

    Just my stupid little ideas for now x.x Bye bye.

  4. #4

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Sep 2003
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    The wands are a possibility. And maybe in the elite store I can put in see invis or something!

    oh wait...I already did.....

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