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Update v1_2
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Thread: Update v1_2

  1. #1

    Almuric's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
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    Update v1_2

    Several changes have been made to the mod in the 1_2 update. Posting changes here when there has been an update will continue so as to keep everyone better informed.


    Reduced the teams to two, Air and Fire. This is a temporary change, but necessary because there needs to be a larger stable group of regulars to support four teams. If you have a character on earth or water it is still there. No server wipe was done. You can still play on those teams if you want. If you would like to play on another team it is possible to arrange that with a DM. You will have to sell all your "plane specific" gear first (armor, helm and weapon) and then the DM can get you changed.
    The Fire items shop now has Cloaks of Protection +3
    Added Rings of Will +1 - +3 in the regular shops and +4 - +5 in the elite shop.
    Made a fix to the Inferno spell. It should do damage correctly now.

    Added a keen scythe.....wait no I'm just kidding. For all you melee players out there I will tell you that there is and has always been a keen greatsword in the elite store.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
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    eeeevil. just EVIL. but yeah, ive got those prototypes ready for inspection, whenever you decide to say more than 'hey' . j/k. still, all the melee weapons are done, and the ranged weapons im not gonna do for various reason.s

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