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Great saturday night
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Thread: Great saturday night

  1. #1

    Great saturday night

    It was great tonight. Thank you all that came and played. It is 5.23 am here and my game crashed. That was the only way for me to leave.
    Was on for 4 hours non stop and head a great time. Sorry for not saying bye but when game crashed I was afraid to go back. Afraid to stay even longer. Hopefully night like this will be every night in the future.
    Thank you all and good night!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Mid of the Mid-West
    Rep Power
    bleh, too bad i couldn't be there...i was at a movie *sigh* o well...this is what you get for being social...
    To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift
    -Steve Prefontaine

  3. #3

    Almuric's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rep Power
    Yeah, it was great having so many people on. Made for lots of action.

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