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Where is everyone? - Page 4
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Thread: Where is everyone?

  1. #31
    Only reason I haven't been playing EB as much is because WN just found a new PvM server and I have to play there... On EB the only WN regulars that I see are Almuric... The rest are either new comers or former WNers lol. So I have to play on this server we found if I wanna play with WN. But whenever I SEE people playing there I log on but sadly. They lose interest in dieing because most of them just remake there guy so many times.... Not trying to find a good build for a certain class but because they think that class is unbalanced or something because other people are winning in fair 1vs1 FAIR fights. As for death magic. I have to admit. I was a spammer of it at first. Now I dont even have PK memorized. And best of all. I'm still winning . People think that all mages here rely on it... Not true. If I see any of you on EB today I'll be sure to log on... I'm thinkin of making a battle cleric so I can end lives almost as quick as death magic
    Embrace the darkness....

  2. #32
    Find it odd you would out of the blue ask about Pez, so I'm guessing he has contacted you or something. Which is fine. Pez was busted cheating in Gods Arena by Equinox, he then lied to Eq about it and was being evasive about the whole situation. Then after that he joined another clan and deleted his account for KoC, which is breech of our Code of Ethics and he wasn't willing to compromise. Breech of CoE is multiclanning So that's it in a nutshell, cheating, lieing, multiclanning etc etc. is why I kicked him out.

  3. #33

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Whoa, sorry Han. I had no idea. He hadnt contacted me or anything. Pez was the player that I talked to the most while v4 Remix was running. I had just noticed that he wasnt around and thought I would ask. That is an unfortunate situation and I know I would have done the same if someone over at WN had acted that way.

  4. #34
    Thanks Almuric, didn't mean to seem harsh towards yah, if that is how it came across. It was just a very touchy situation and some things have been found out blah blah blah, one word to sum it up, inmaturity on his part

  5. #35

    Genocide's Avatar
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    I guess the server is a bust eh? No one is ever on it. I even take a break from other games I play to check on it.
    I took a break for over a week and nothing has changed. Even looked at the server during the Thanksgiving break when students are out of school and still no players.

    ElementalBattlegrounds 0/46

    Its the same everytime I run NWN. A damn shame that I put all that work into it and no one...I mean NO one plays there. I'm sitting idle on the server right now and I check to see if anyone has logged in every five mins or so......oh well. Tell me am I wasting my time? If you can seriously tell me why I should continue to login and sit there for an hour at a stretch and see not a soul online cept myself, please do.

    Should have listened to me in the beginning and changed the spells or abilities that ran people off in the server's infancy. It ultimately lead to the state the server is in now. Changes were made...yes...made too slowly...yes. Any future work on the server by me is really in question now, seeing how all the time I did put into it was almost for nothing. Shouts go out to the people that did try to support it.

    Talk about a sour taste left in your mouth.

  6. #36

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Personally I was taking a break from PvP. Hordes is coming out tomorrow and I plan on updating the server quickly. Then I'll be spending some time here as I was before.

  7. #37
    I can tell you Geno that right now you are wasting your time.
    I play NWN every day but every day EB is empty. It will not help if nyone sitt idle there or not. Team PVP is not 2 guys fighting.
    We that did play EB active are not mostly playing on Trinity.
    Almuric have some plans for when HoU comes out but EB have been rememberd as spell exploiting server so I don´tknow if it will help at all.
    Sweden say they will have HoU on friday so I hope they will. I will be there to try and help again but I don´t see what we can do.

  8. #38
    If anything it was a great idea and It should have taken off bigtime.

    I am seeing what you are seeing noone there, checking every so often when I get on and noone there. I see alot of us tho at Trinity.

    What can I say except maybe to advertise it as a challenge to all clans and set up a ranking system that creates a stature in PvP gaming. There is no PvP mod out there that matches up to EB and even tho it is so new I don't think everyone really know about it or notices it in the server listings.

    Maybe changing the name to: Elemental Battlegrounds Clan Rank PvP?

  9. #39
    I understand what people are saying as i look see that theres no-one on and head for trinity, i have sometimes ( not many ) logged on walked around for a bit to see if anyone would come on, when they havnt i've logged and headed elsewhere, maybe with HotU out now ( for some friday for me ) it can be touched up a bit, theres nothing wrong with the server now as when i've been on and playing i've enjoyed my time there, maybe we should all have a day where its the only server that we go on, with some numbers on the server it might help attract people onto it, as in they see it and go "oooh a lot of people on there lets see what its like" kinda thing, maybe i'm just rambling on here, but its a great server and i hate to see it go to waste.

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