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Spell Modifications
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Thread: Spell Modifications

  1. #1

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Spell Modifications

    Find Traps only locates traps, it does not remove them.
    Time Stop requires a material component (time crystal) to cast successfully.
    Blade Barrier capped at level 30 instead of 20.
    Call Lightning capped at level 15 instead of 10.
    Chain Lightning capped at level 30 instead of 20.
    Cone of Cold capped at level 25 instead of 15.
    Delayed Blast Fireball capped at 30 instead of 20.
    Damage Limit of Energy Buffer increased from 60 to 120 at level 30
    FireBall capped at level 15 instead of 10.
    FireStorm capped at level 25 instead of 20.
    FlameStrike capped at level 25 instead of 15.
    Greater Stoneskin capped at level 20 instead of 15.
    Hammer of the Gods capped at level 10 instead of 5.
    Horrid Wilting capped at level 35 instead of 25.
    Lightning Bolt capped at level 20 instead of 10.
    Completely uncapped magic missile instead of 5 maximum missiles is 20.
    *Note - Negative energy burst is uncapped by default.
    *Note - Premonition is uncapped by default.
    Searing Light capped at level 15 instead of 10.
    Sunbeam capped at level 30 instead of 20.
    Earthquake capped at level 20 instead of 10.
    FireBrand capped at level 20 instead of 15.
    Balagarn's Iron Horn capped at level 25 instead of 20.
    Sunburst capped at level 35 instead of 25.
    Undeath to Death capped at level 30 instead of 20.

    Hellball has been changed to 1/2 caster level * d6 instead of 10d6 for each damage type.
    Greater Ruin has been changed from 35d6 to 35d6 + 1/4 casterlevel * d6 (maximum bonus of 60 damage at level 40).

  2. #2

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Gate summons a more powerful demon at Caster Level 30.
    Greater Planar Binding brings more powerful summons at Caster Level 21.
    Greater Sanctuary has a 4 minute timer between castings.
    Darkfire duration has been reduced to 1*caster level (default is 2*caster level).
    Flame Weapon duration has been reduced to 1*caster level (default is 2* caster level).

  3. #3

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Sep 2003
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    Mordenkainen's Sword now summons an epic helmed horror if casterlevel > 30

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