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Objection! A spoof of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney [Archive] - TrogWorld

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09-01-2006, 10:34 PM
It's a Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney spoof. What else is there to say? Oh, if you don't know any of the Phoenix Wright characters used in this spoof, then I demand that you go here:



A spoof of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney by Alex Korb

We start this day off with George Lucas walking down the streets of the remains of Nagasaki. Don’t ask why.

George Lucas: Da dee daaaa…

Every millisecond of his life, he’s earning 10$...which means he’s earning $1000 a second, which is cool. Anyway, suddenly, a police car hits him. Out comes Maggey Byrde/Mako Suzuki.

Maggey: Halt- ~piano falls on her~

Lucas: Phew! Almost got arrested! But for what?

Suddenly, Dredoc Anthorngleas comes out of the car, aiming his bow menacingly, Ice Arrow knocked.

Dredoc: Alright, lad, put your hands where I can see ‘em!

Lucas willingly complies.

Dredoc: Not willing to comply, eh? Very well, I’ll give ya to the count ‘o three…

Lucas: My hands are up.

Dredoc: One…

Lucas: My hands are up!

Dredoc: Two…


Dredoc: Five!

Lucas: Three.

Dredoc: Three! ~shoots him~

George Lucas falls unsubconsious and is stabbed by Dredoc’s Dagger +3.14 for no apparent reason before being hauled into the police car and driven to jail.

The following day…

Phoenix: Why do I have to defend everybody?!

Guy: Court is now in session, the honorable Judge Judge in session.

Judge: Right. Errm, anyway, here we have this rich guy who was arrested for no reason and put on trial today. Our defendant? The revered Phoenix Wright. Our prosecutor? The revered Miles Edgeworth.

Phoenix: I-

Edgeworth: -=OBJECTION!=- (http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=951655)

Phoenix: OW! DUDE, WTF WAS-

Von Karma: -=OBJECTION!=- (http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=951666)


Phoenix: OK, now you just gave me a heada-

Fred (because Francizka von Karma is too long): -=OBJECTION!=- ~throws whip thingy at Phoenix~

Phoenix: OW DAMMIT-

April May: -=OBJECTION!=- ~throws bra at Phoenix~ (Well, she needs something to throw…c’mon guys, I’m no pervert)

Phoenix: …OK…

Von Karma: -=OBJECTION!=- (http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=951677)

JYAP: I don’t approve of this- ~SLICE~

Phoenix now has no stomach.

Phoenix: You bloodthirsty-

Rain Mirnimane: -=OBJECTION!=- ~throws doomish critical scythe at Phoenix~

Critical hit! Damage: 1138 (0 Physical, 1138 pwnage)

Phoenix: You’re making me look like a n00b-

Fred: -=OBJECTION!=- ~throws the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail at Phoenix~

Black Knight: The Black Knight always triumphs- ~hits Phoenix~


George Lucas: -=OBJECTION!=- ~throws a lightsaber at Phoenix~

Phoenix is now missing ¼ of his head.

IT: -=OBJECTION!=- ~asplodes on Phoenix~

Text Block'd/10.

09-01-2006, 10:35 PM
By the end of the day…

Phoenix has suffered 15 lightsaber burns, is missing an arm, has 30 whip marks, has the Black Knight lodged in his stomach, 10 gunshots in random parts of his body, has the words “Noob” etched into his exposed skull by Rain Mirnimane, and has a bra wrapped around his neck for strangling.

Protoss119: Bad day?

Phoenix: KILL ME NOW!

Protoss119: That’s all you have to-

Army of Edgeworths: -=OBJECTION!=-

A severely-injured-to-the-point-of-overkill Phoenix dukes it out with the Edgeworths and fails miserably to reinact the Burly Brawl.

Edgeworth: I’m a monkey, Mr.Phoenixson!

Protoss119: “Oh gee, I better help!” Hey guys! You can CS in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney!

All the Edgeworths: WHAT THE FU-

All the Edgeworths’ heads get asploded along with the people who tried to execute Phoenix and their controllers, the Weather Bros. Yes, they renamed Francizka von Karma Fred.

Phoenix: I’M ALIVE- ~gets hit by Police Car that hit Lucas~

Rain: ~the only survivor~ FINALLY!

Dredoc: Yeah…I could swear that was Rugnar Deseth in disguse.

(Note: Rugnar Deseth has a helluva lot of DR. Even Dredoc’s Dagger+5 can’t beat it because it’s a Piercing weapon. Of course, Dredoc can always go ranged for Ice Arrows or get the Icy Blade (Short Sword), both of which do elemental damage which Rugnar Deseth is vulnerable to)


Note: I’m sorry if I offended anyone with pummeling G. Lucas and making his head asplode. He’s a really good guy and without him, we would never have SW which would be bad.

09-02-2006, 05:42 PM
And a bonus objection just for you.


09-02-2006, 06:00 PM

09-02-2006, 10:06 PM
