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Star Wars: Episode III (The Game) - General Grievous Review [Archive] - TrogWorld

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View Full Version : Star Wars: Episode III (The Game) - General Grievous Review

12-30-2005, 09:14 PM
I'm pretty sure some of us have heard of the game "Star Wars: Episode III" the "game of the movie" so to speak. I'm pretty sure that a few people have played the game and found out that it has a vs. mode feature with unlockable characters. One of these characters is General Grievous himself. 'Tis why I'm here - to review this cyborg marvel.

General Grievous is the only character in this game that doesn't have force powers. Instead, he has a variety of other attacks. He can block attacks like other jedi/sith, but has a blaster pistol, a rage ability (I think), and can separate his arms. I will review each attack separately with the exception of the L1 function which blocks attacks of all sorts as long as it is held; all characters come with that.

L2 Attack - Arm Separation: 8/10

This function allows General Grievous to separate his two arms into four, a lightsaber in each. It's an extremely powerful tactic that gives Grievous more attacks, meaning he will do more damage to other characters. However, as long as this function is active, it will slowly deplete the force meter. When it goes empty, the general's four arms will unite into two again.

While the extra attacks could yet turn the tide of a lightsaber duel, when the force meter finally depletes, it leaves Grievous with no chance of unveiling anything else for the time being. That being said, Grievous will have nothing to fall back on when he is suddenly knocked backward - no blaster pistol, no nothing until the force meter recharges.

R1 Attack - Blaster Pistol: 8.5/10

This is a pretty neat function. When activated, Grievous will pull out a blaster pistol and it will either:

Fire three blaster bolts.
Charge for a few seconds, then fire a deadly blast. (...maybe I could have worded that better...)

This is either an excellent comeback move when Grievous is on the brink of pain or a key to his own downfall. The effects will vary with the length of the force meter, methinks.

R2 Attack - Rage: 5.5/10

This one, I don't like very much. When activated and held for a few seconds, Grievous will charge in a mad rage and attempt to slice the opponent into very tiny pieces. What made me decide on such a rating is that the general is really vulnerable while preparing to charge at the enemy. If for any reason the enemy were to strike him while he was doing this, he would be subject to a number of deadly attacks. And since he has no Force Heal (did I mention he didn't have Force Heal?), you could very well be screwed.

Tune in next time for my review on Final Fantasy fifteen...thousand. (Lol)

12-31-2005, 08:02 AM
I'm assuming this is a console game?

(Nice review btw)

12-31-2005, 11:17 AM
The one I have is for PS2, so that would explain the R1/R2/L1/L2 thing.

01-04-2006, 06:47 AM
yeah i have this for the xbox but my xbox died so i never got to mess with it much