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JavaScript help please. [Archive] - TrogWorld

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11-08-2005, 10:46 PM
Ok heres the deal.

I really don’t know much about javascript and I have to do a simple page for school. So I’m going to try and cheat a bit and ask someone here show me how to do my little project. Anybody game?

This is what I'm supposed to do...
Create a simple web page that contains each of the following items:
All of the tags necessary to create a basic web page (I can do this part)
Your name in the TITLE of the page and in the BODY of the page (this part to)
A JavaScript that password protects the page. The script should
Prompt the user for a password
Compare the text entered by the user to the password using an if-else statement
Return a failure message if the password does not match Display text that says "Congratulations!" if the password does match.

11-09-2005, 06:34 AM
I dont know anything about Javascript, but here's your code:

<script language="JavaScript">

var password;

var pass1="cool";

password=prompt('Please enter your password to view this page!',' ');

if (password==pass1)
Â*alert('Password Correct! Click OK to enter!');
Â* {
Â* Â*alert('Password Incorrect, you may not enter.');
Â* Â*}


11-09-2005, 11:32 AM
Just so "EVERYBODY KNOWS" trog Rocks. :tup: :tup: