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My nxt debate [Archive] - TrogWorld

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08-13-2005, 02:16 PM
well to really christen this new section u can debate on my nxt issue here are the choices, i hope a sensible solution can be found

"The state of the education system is, in many areas, simply frightful," says Teachers Union leader Miranda Gutenberg. "And even where we are doing well, we could do better. I appeal to the authorities for a substantial boost in funding. Remember, the children are our future."

"We won't have a future unless we improve police numbers and rebuild the military," says General Dave Li. "Oh, it's all well and good to have your fancy education and your nice cars, until some tinpot dictatorship decides to invade. And don't pretend like there aren't any of them in our region. Our number one priority has to be security."
(i have to say my first thought was, yeah missy, when i read "some tinpot dictatorship" sorry! this is my favourite cause its so funny!)

"Education is nice, but Health and Social Welfare are more important," says celebrity social worker Jack Thiesen. "This is where the people who really need government help are: the marginalized of our society. If we don't help them, what kind of a nation are we?"

"Hey, I've got a crazy idea," says noted libertarian and bird-watcher Roxanne Spirit. "How about the government stops taking so much tax from people? Give us a tax cut and we'll buy the things we need ourselves. People need to be weaned off the government teat!"

if we cannot reach a verdict then i can always dismiss the issue, as with all debates

08-13-2005, 09:51 PM
Well I'm going to argue on behalf of point 1. There is a valid argument in that statement:

Remember, the children are our future"

You need to put money into education because the generations that are just running around as children now will be the backbone of the country in years to come. If you want to preserve your country, and it's resources these people need to have a good education.

08-15-2005, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by MissChaos@Aug 14 2005, 04:51 AM
Well I'm going to argue on behalf of point 1. There is a valid argument in that statement:

Remember, the children are our future"

You need to put money into education because the generations that are just running around as children now will be the backbone of the country in years to come. If you want to preserve your country, and it's resources these people need to have a good education.
That's very true. I would go for number 1 if I were you... unless you want to be like me and be very militarised... :P

-=Hell Out=-

08-16-2005, 02:21 PM
ok im goin with the 'masses'! option 1, now for my nxt 1, and this is a brilliant 1! i want lots of replys for this, ok here we go...

The Issue
A loose coalition of sartorially-challenged individuals known as "Let It All Hang Out" has called on the government to relax public nudity laws.

The Debate
1. "For too long, our bodies have been trapped in these prisons of cotton and polyester!" yelled protester Jennifer Chicago, while apparently developing a nasty case of sunburn. "We must repeal the puritanical laws that make public nudity a crime. My body--my choice to dangle!"

2. "I agree," mused sociology professor Samuel Steele. "But I don't think the protestors are going far enough. Public nudity shouldn't be an option: it should be compulsory. Nudity is highly liberating. And it would put that disgusting "Hooters" out of business once and for all."

3. "Whoa, whoa," says noted accountant Chastity Jefferson. "Are these people serious? The last thing I want to see when I'm out for a coffee is some lumbering, over-weight nudist coming down the sidewalk toward me. If people want to get naked, they can do it in the privacy of their own homes. Think of the children!"

please take ur time debating this 1!

08-17-2005, 10:41 AM
Well I have many views on this subject and it all comes down to prudishness and ego.... The ONLY reason we wear clothing (Cos let's face it, we all know what parts we all have...heheh) is out of a sense of self-consciousness and to satisfy our own arrogance by getting dressed of a morning and knowing you look good...... In theory public nudity shouldn't be an issue but we're too far evolved as a society to go back to those primitive, pre-clothing days...... So I put my vote with #3

btw, **** the children....lol

08-17-2005, 11:53 AM
I'd pick number three. Seriously, I saw the largest woman I'd ever seen in my life today (she was so big she needed an electric wheelchair, which she was sticking out of on all sides). I'd rather die than see her naked.

And many children will die from the sheer horror.

The singular pro-point will, of course, be the models.

-=Hell Out=-

08-17-2005, 01:30 PM
yes very valid point hell

btw nice to see u like kids missy!