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1.65 is out [Archive] - TrogWorld

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12-13-2004, 04:30 PM
The new patch is out. Not alot of changes, but I'm hearing that it puts advertisements into the game. :roll:

The Linux Standalone server patch isnt out yet, so I'm waiting until then. Once it's out I'll patch the server.

12-13-2004, 05:03 PM

What the f***... explain more on these advertisements...

Almuric, you NEED to change Disarm to inventory.. otherwise people will catch on that it unbalances the gold/xp ratio and have will grief players with it causing them to have to buy all their items over again.

12-13-2004, 05:46 PM
This 1.65 patch is the best they've brought out yet!

Its so depressing that they have finally almost gotten to fixing all the bugs and NWN 2 is on the agenda relatively soon.

That frikkin Darkness bug pisses me off big time.

IKD should have been that way from the start, if anything you should lose AB for trying to knockdown someone smaller and dexterous, but if you connect, god help them on the save.

The whole dispel and character level was one big major pain in the ass from the very beginning, WOOOOHOOO TO DISPEL FIXING.
( note to self, spell breach scrolls still slash a lvl40 mage, Dulp )

I cannot BELIEVE THEY CHANGED MESTILS TO DAMAGE EVERYTIME YOU HIT, arent mages uber enough with their 3 sets of damage shields, bigbys and god damn Ice Storm spam. -_-

What do you all think?

12-13-2004, 06:02 PM
You got a point. How do we fighters get by a mage with damage resist and multiple shields when we only hurt ourselves? Laaaaaaame. And Ice Storm is overrated.

12-13-2004, 06:28 PM
Well 'Fighters' are not designed to be able to kill a Mage or Arcane Spell caster unless you use your skills and time it properly, which of course is when mestils wears off and you KD spam :)

Im pretty sure they changed it because monks were chewing up mage damage reduction without being hurt by anything because they IKD so fast and do no damage, yet still chew through the DR, by then mestilss had worn off and mages were just too easy of a kill to a monk.

On a server like EB where only the massive tanks with huge STR can oppose a bigby's, ice storm is extremely effective.

..and for those tanks there is Hold Monster and firebrand :)

12-13-2004, 06:49 PM
Disarm isnt an allowed skill. If we're having trouble with shifters disarming people then I'll take care of it.

12-13-2004, 07:03 PM
Well i wouldnt say having trouble although if the player base picks up, shifter will be a MASSIVELY popular class and then it will definitely be a problem.

The shift itself aquires its own special weapon right?.. is it editable? Because its not an extreme issue, atleast not enough to disable the shift as yet.

Felonious Monk
12-13-2004, 09:20 PM
There is a way to script Disarm so that even on a succesful attempt the weapon stays equipped. At least that's how it was at another place I played. Nerf feats, not classes.

I like to refer to this recent patch as "caster's Christmas present" since they get everything and everyone else gets screwed for the most part. Now only mages can dispel in epic levels, Mestil's is even more insane (Epic Warding + 10 PM levels + stacked damage shields doing >100 damage per hit means you need a group of several people to take down one mage), and IKD comes at an AB cost now (not gonna complain too much here). Just about everything else is cosmetic. I'm willing to bet Mestil's still bypasses elemental immunities like it used to.

And as for the advertisments, I could do without those. Bastards.

12-13-2004, 09:50 PM
Almuric i hate to say it, but i think its time our friendly mages copped a bit of a nerfing.

#1 No damage shield stacking.
#2 Mestils is half damage.

lol.. im begging you please. Even if you have to compramise and double the duration or something, please tone down that stupid shit.

Felonious Monk
12-13-2004, 10:15 PM
It is a problem before epic levels as well. Level 17 mage buffs with extended elemental shields and Premonition and changes into Iron Golem via Shapechange. Mage then stands still while hapless fighter is unable to bypass DR or score any crits while taking 59-72 (~66 average) damage per hit. His only hope is to get his hands on a +5 weapon and dish out 50-some damage per hit.

The good news: the credit for the kill goes to The Void. The bad news: mage still gets XP, fighter gets jack.

12-14-2004, 07:28 AM
We all find it annoying. Oh,and on the server,THERE ARE NO +5 WEAPONS! My +4 Katana can't nail a mage with premonition and all the shields. I'd die before breaking through! If this is their Christmas gift,I think Santa gave us a piece of coal!

12-14-2004, 09:09 AM
The +5 weapons are going to be in the epic stores. I'll look at changing the shield spells.

12-14-2004, 09:37 AM
(coal suddenly morphs into a present)YAY!!!
(mage present morphs into coal)HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!
(capslocks is turned off)heyyyyyy
(dies cause he made a sentence without proper puntuation and capitalazation)

Felonious Monk
12-14-2004, 11:47 AM
There are some +5 weapons in the elite stores, but only for certain weapons.

12-14-2004, 05:03 PM
Ok. I have noe have full control over my home PC from work via Ultr@VNC... which means i can play EB because its not too drastic most of the time ( the framerate is a little slower than normal ). Mostly just to socialise while im bored a peak times of the server really.

But also i can script shit which means i can spend more time playing when i get home.

Sometimes im jsut so bored at work waiting for some correspondence that this needed to happen.

Commendments goto Almuric who advised of the SSH port 22.
( My linux box now uses 21 thanks to some re-config or a guy i know from IRC ).

Can i get a W? a O? another O? a T?


Felonious Monk
12-14-2004, 11:51 PM

12-15-2004, 06:13 PM

Felonious Monk
12-15-2004, 09:48 PM
Hey, I did my part.

12-16-2004, 06:54 AM
Bioware has finally posted the 1.65 patch for Linux! I'll make an announcement post when the server is patched up. :D

Felonious Monk
12-16-2004, 01:24 PM

12-16-2004, 02:07 PM
Merry Christmas to us then eh!?
