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Yet another Idea... [Archive] - TrogWorld

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11-01-2003, 08:31 PM
:cool: Flave here with another Idea!
Wow two ideas in the matter of a few minutes!
Having a voting with what map comes up next...
Such as you are given a 1 minute warning for the end of the match,
wouldn't it be nifty if there where a way to vote for the next map to come up.
For example, end of round hits and you really want to play in the astral city, if you vote for it, and several other people vote for it then the game will continue in the astral city!
Tell me what you think!

Bounty Hunter
11-01-2003, 09:26 PM
Don´t fully agree.
Almost each class have it own map. Deadly abode for example is perfect for archers, Canals of filth for sneakers, Astral City for tanks, Molten Lake for mages and so on.
If we would play same map over and over again it woulnd´t be fair to some classes. And it would get boring.
Maps change every 24 minutes and that is not so long time.

11-01-2003, 09:41 PM
IMO who would vould for astral city???? is it me or is it terrible? probably just me...

i think maybe there could be something that if like 80% of people voted for it, it would switch the map...but i think that would take like 400+ hours to script...

01-26-2006, 04:10 PM
Funny how both ideas concern what Eternal War has but Elemental Battlegrounds doesn't. No offense, just pointing that out.