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Looking for someone that knows how to work with Flash [Archive] - TrogWorld

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View Full Version : Looking for someone that knows how to work with Flash

10-13-2007, 06:25 PM
Hi people,

Well I'm looking for someone that knows how to work with Flash. I'm building a personal web-site and bought a flash template, thing is I really don't know much about how to work with flash. I am going to get me a good book and teach myself, but until that time I would really like to get my site up and running better with it.

Right now its up, but only running as an html site. Still looks nice, but I would look so much better with the flash enabled and running. If your interested please let me know. BTW Almuric if you have a problem with this bro just delete this thread. I'll understand man. I'm not trying to take anything away from Trogworld bro you know that. You my bud and I wouldn't do anything to cause bad stuff with us. :grin:

Oh yeah the site is right here at J&L Techspot.com (http://www.jnltechspot.com/)

10-13-2007, 08:37 PM
I wish I could help. I have no flash skills.

10-16-2007, 03:41 PM
I think it's Faceman2000 you're looking for on PRC. He's changed his name to MaskedX, but people still call 'im Face. I believe he was learning flash last I heard, so you could ask him something...

10-16-2007, 05:09 PM
And where would he be?

10-17-2007, 03:42 PM
Remember that old link in JYAP's October post leading to a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon site? He doesn't go there anymore (he's built his own forum with SoaD), but the site itself still exists. Also, you'll find me there as Lord of Spam.


Oh yes, and JYAP is now located here:
